Real Exchanges #2: Movies

I bring it up a lot on this podcast, about how we need to cherish the things in life that can teach us about other people. When you think about it, this is the essential function of art, and arguably no medium embodies that better than film. Within the world of film, you can watch a story play out and be met with questions you’ve never thought of, feelings you’ve yet to experience and a plethora of life journeys that almost seem inconceivable. Also, movies are so much fun and we explore all of these different aspects within today’s podcast.

This episode features some of my closest friends, who funnily enough have never met each other prior to this chat. They’re all writers who excel at embedding themselves within everything that they do, especially the ferocity of their passion towards art. I’m welcomed by my Brazilian sister Nicole Almeida, my sister from Los Angeles, Kat Manos, and my fellow east coast brother Matt Arena.

Together we chat about the films that’ve impacted our lives, have made us laugh, that have made us think “what the shit?” and most importantly; we explore how this medium is so god damn fun.  

Interestingly enough, this episode holds a uniquely special place in my heart. Maybe I’ll talk about it someday, but during the editing process of this episode, I was going through a very difficult situation in my personal life, one of those instances that touched every fabric of my day-to-day. But getting to edit this episode, to live within the laughter that I shared with my friends…there’s a magic to that which is indescribable. I feel an immense sense of gratitude in being able to capture conversations like this one and I hope that regardless of what you’re going through, this talk will also brighten up your day the way it did for me.


Kay Young


Joseph Darius Jaafari