Eve Barlow


It feels strange having to state this, especially because it’ll be clear within the episode itself, but I do think it’s important to make things crystal clear: I myself am NOT a zionist. 

This episode was originally posted in March 2020. Since then, a lot has changed regarding the guest featured in this talk, Eve Barlow. Eve is an entertainment journalist who’s written for the likes of The Guardian, Billboard, GQ, La Times, etc. She also uses her online presence to advocate for Jewish voices; particularly against anti-semitism. Eve is also a proud zionist, an aspect of her life which naturally comes up within our talk.

My stance within this episode was to be inquisitive and to not assert my own opinions and thoughts over Eve’s; which is what I aim to do with all my guests. At the end of the day, these talks are more about the guests rather than myself. However, I know some will hear this episode and will fall under one of two camps; either you’ll listen to the episode with the stated context in mind or assume that I’m trying to play both sides. There is nothing I can say that will make people in the latter camp think of me differently, all I can say is that I do not believe people should be physically harmed due to where they live and due to who lives next to them. In my view, Palestinians deserve the same rights, access to facilities, and land as Israeli's currently enjoy. All violence against humans is wrong.

This episode of the podcast is a civil discussion that was conducted with respect and apart from the intro, this talk has not been altered since its original posting.

Follow Eve Barlow on Twitter and Instagram.


Renaldo Webb


Bonus Episode: Balthazar