Summer Bonus: Patrick Willems Returns!

So it’s a bit crazy to say, but fuck it; a friend of mine made a movie and I have to say, it’s pretty fucking great. Patrick Willems is a New York based filmmaker who’s released some of the most enjoyable video essays that you can find on YouTube. Throughout the years, Patrick’s unique approach has helped people achieve a newfound appreciation for films like Paddington, Little Women, John Wick, and pretty much any film you can think of.

And finally, we arrive to a major milestone for Patrick: the release of his directorial debut film: Night of the Coconut. The IMDB description of the movie does a better job than I ever could: a movie about friendship, parallel universes, the internet and a genocidal coconut. Sounds like a lot right? Don’t worry, breaking this down is the exact point of today’s bonus episode.

Together, Patrick and I discuss the experience of the movie premiere, how humor functions as a great tool to convey sincerity and why friendship is especially important when you’re pursuing a passion. In more ways than one, it’s both a joy and a privilege getting to bring you this chat.

After you hear our talk, be sure to check out Night of the Coconut, which is currently only available to stream via Nebula, a streaming platform that was created by (and is owned by) creators. Nebula is all about giving power back to the creators and yes, you can stream Nebula projects via iPhone, Android, Apple TV, Android TV, Roku, and the Fire TV app (be sure to click this link to receive a discount when signing up).

Also be sure to follow Patrick Willems on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.


Summer Bonus: Joel Culpepper


Summer Bonus: Metric