Bonus Episode: Jordan Adetunji

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If you’re familiar with this series, then you’ll know that Northern Ireland is a second home to me. The beginning of that love affair started through music and to this day that country still impresses me with its creative output. Jordan Adetunji is a prime example, an artist who could be best described as a wild card and a true shock to the system. 

It’d be a mistake to simply call Jordan a genre-bender, each song he releases takes a sledgehammer towards the expectations people bestow upon musicians. What’s truly impressive is how you can constantly feel that bubbling ambition within his music, even though it’s still early in his career. 

A bit of essential viewing for today’s episode is Jordan’s music video for his tune Angel. We have a deep heart to heart about the video within the podcast and it’s truly a beautiful example of how artists can be brave with their creativity.

On today’s special bonus episode, we chat about his journey in music, how Jordan owns the fact that he’s a trailblazer and we also explore the ways that hip hop has become the new punk rock.

After you hear the episode, be sure to check out Jordan’s track WOKEUP! on the official New Exchange Playlist. Also, follow Jordan Adetunji on Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Alex Lahey and Gordi


Katy Leeson