Bonus Episode: Christian and Alex Tierney


Today’s a special bonus episode featuring two extremely talented brothers who hail from Ireland. My old friend Christian Tierney is a world-class photographer who’s worked with some of the biggest stars like Hailee Steinfeld, Conor McGregor, Niall Horan, Hozier, the list goes on to an absurd degree. His brother Alex is a gifted musician whose recent single Painkiller has reached the hearts of people all over the globe. Together they’re changing the idea of what it means to work with your family, proving that the old saying of “never work with your family” is complete bullshit.

On this episode, I chat with the brothers about growing up together in Ireland, how their working relationship flourished throughout the pandemic and their shared goal of bringing music to life with unique visuals.

Be sure to check out Christian’s photography on his website and also on Instagram. Also, be sure to follow Alex on Spotify, Instagram and Twitter.


Eefje de Visser


Ellie Richardson