Kasturi Shan


Over the years, I’ve grown fascinated by the people who decide to change their lives and actively go about doing it. That sounds like an obvious thing, doesn’t everyone do this? But when you think about it, it’s a rare thing for a person to be so concise in executing their goals. A prime example of such a person is my friend Kasturi Shan (aka Kaz), a Malaysian Australian based in LA who’s become a crucial voice in the music industry.

As the current Senior Director of Public Relations at Interscope Records, Kaz oversees a vast array of publicity campaigns, each handled with a dedication and passion that I find truly inspiring. Along with being a hard worker, Kaz is one of the funniest human beings that I know; which always reminds me that it helps to have both thick skin and a sense of humor when it comes to navigating the music industry. But the sky wasn’t always so bright for Kaz, which is exactly what we get into on today’s episode. We explore what it really takes to build a career in the music industry, how she unexpectedly moved to both New York and LA, as well as the lessons she’s learned pursuing a career in music.

Be sure to catch Kaz’s playlists of South Asian artists over at Spotify and be sure to check her out on Twitter.

What does it take to not only chase your dreams, but to truly make them into a reality? I explore this with my friend Kasturi Shan (aka Kaz) Senior Director of Public Relations at Interscope Records. Kaz has become a crucial voice within the music industry after Immigrating to New York and then LA from her native Australia.




Bonus Episode: Shura