Photo by Zain Ayub
How do you speak out on the injustices of your field while you’re also trying to make a name for yourself? Everyone says to stay true to yourself while also saying to keep your head low in the same breath. Luckily for us, Australian rapper and producer Kwame never got that memo. I came across Kwame last year with his latest EP, Please, Get Home Safe, an ambitious body of work that reminded me that rap can feel fresh again, that rap can feel vital in a world that’s in complete disarray.
That EP showcases an artist who finds it crucial to question everything around him, including the industry he chose to be part of. A big moment in 2020 for Kwame was when he posted “what changes would you like to see within the music industry?” That post blew up within Australia’s music industry, with industry vets and newcomers alike sharing intimate thoughts, stories and ideas for how the industry could improve for everyone. On this episode, I chat with Kwame about why it’s important to share your mind, the work that went into crafting Please, Get Home Safe and much more.