
Photo by Shervin Lainez

Today’s episode is with two musicians I’m lucky to call my friends. Throughout the years they’ve reminded me of the importance of friendship and how being honest with others can help you in being honest with yourself. Say hello to Hana and JJ, together they make up Overcoats; an indie-pop duo that does a brilliant job at writing, producing, and performing live. A few months ago they released their second album, titled The Fight. It’s an album that reminds us of the power that comes with taking ownership of our emotions. In this episode, we chat about the making of The Fight and also delve into what it means to challenge your creativity.

Follow Overcoats on Spotify, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Overcoats are two best friends that are here to remind you why there's power in owning your emotions. In this episode we discuss the making of their latest album, The Fight; an album that highlights the various fights womxn have been combating within Trump's America.


Aysia Marotta


And So I Watch You From Afar