Winter Bonus: NYC Is Dead

Remember that time during the pandemic when we just couldn’t listen to music? Many of us found refuge in podcasts to help us feel connected to people during a time when doing so felt close to impossible. One of those podcasts for me was NYC is Dead, created and hosted by local NYC comedians, Drexton Clemens and Eitan Levine.

Hand on heart, the unique quality of this podcast is unmatched, especially when you consider the fact that most of these episodes were made while we were in the thick of the pandemic. The basic premise is that both Eitan and Drexton would roam the streets of New York and guerilla-style interview city residents about what it was actually like to be in New York during this unprecedented time. I say “basic premise” because just by the nature of talking to so many different people, the series evolved into being anything but basic; with the title poking fun at the stark contrast between what we see on social media and what’s actually happening on the streets.

Today’s podcast is a prime example of why sometimes it’s best to let a conversation flow, with both Drexton and Eitan completing each other’s sentences throughout the chat. This was such a fun episode to make and I just know you’re going to love it.

After you hear the chat, be sure to follow them both on Instagram over at EitanTheGoalie and ThisGuyDrex so you can keep up to date on their upcoming live shows. They do a weekly show at Pine Box Rock Shop in Brooklyn on Mondays called F*ck You Dad: A Punk Rock & comedy Show, don’t miss out!

Season 4 of the podcast will be kicking off on March 1st, see you then!


Hrishikesh Hirway (Season 4 Premiere)


Winter Bonus: Palace